breakdown test

英 [ˈbreɪkdaʊn test] 美 [ˈbreɪkdaʊn test]




  1. You can view response time breakdown data in the Test perspective or in the Profiling and Logging perspective if a performance test or performance schedule is executed with response time breakdown.
  2. After making the appropriate response time breakdown configuration, you must execute the test or schedule to initiate application monitoring during the load test.
  3. Enabling response time breakdown in a performance test will not affect the response time breakdown in any performance schedule that is referencing that test.
  4. During a load test, a meaningful user that loads breakdown to multiple test clients is often desirable.
  5. You will typically capture the response time breakdown in real time ( test) environments during development, rather than in production environments.
  6. The reverse is true, too: Enabling response time breakdown in a performance schedule will not affect the response time breakdown configuration in a performance test.
  7. Methods of test for enamelled wires& Breakdown voltage test by means of steel
  8. The method features easy operation and good location accuracy that is not affected by the resistance of breakdown spot, the resistance of the test wire and contact resistance.
  9. Uncertainty Assessment of Breakdown Threshold Values Test of Semiconductor Components for Electromagnetic Pulse
  10. Breakdown test and SEM analyzed the regularity influenced of energy parameter on dielectric strength of ceramic coatings.
  11. Selection for the Breakdown Decision Current Value in Electrolyte Strength Test
  12. A Novel Overvoltage Protection Approach Using Thyristor Valve Triggered by Breakdown Diode for Overcurrent Test Equipment
  13. A Single Chip Micro-computer Controlled Instrument for The Dielectric Oil Breakdown Voltage Test
  14. Discussion about Several Issues on Voltage-resisting Breakdown Test
  15. And then the features of the tunnel deformation failure in various rocks are discussed by the breakdown test on single-arch model.
  16. On breakdown voltage test of transformer oil
  17. The paper also presents the results about dielectrical breakdown voltage test and dielectrical strength for the coal.
  18. The lightning impulse breakdown and steep-front impulse breakdown test of silicone rubber are also performed, which give a reference for other solid materials.
  19. The main research outcome is that if the common way of breakdown is directly used in product assurance test, will lead to the following improper points: [ 1] Mixed test cannot clarify the origin of hazards.
  20. Using the cracks at the bottom of firtree slots of the first stage turbine disk in an existing engine as an example, by means of the breakdown test and elaborate theoretical calculation, the criterion and the solution algorithm to determine the critical crack length aic are provided.
  21. Breakdown-voltage Test Module for Discharging-tubes
  22. The paper systematically gives an example of successfully solving the problem of structural vibration breakdown, including the analysis, examination, breakdown reappearance, strengthening structure, vibration test and flight test.
  23. Development of a Real-Time Data Acquisition and Monitoring System for the AC High Voltage Breakdown and Withstand Test
  24. This article in detail elaborates supply power and breakdown type and the test methed, how to scientifically grasp the different breakdown electric cable meter test profile analysis as well as the breakdown localization method, and intro-duces how to solve the problems appeared in the scene test.
  25. In this paper, We give the sample breakdown point of a test for moment estimation of population variance and analyze the asymptotically normal characteristic of the sample breakdown point.
  26. The Sample Breakdown Point of a Test for Maximum Likelihood Estimate of Exponential Distribution Parameter
  27. Mathematical Statistics of the Voltage Breakdown Test on Cables with Extruded Insulation
  28. The probability distribution of the obtained experimental breakdown voltage is related to the test procedure and the original probability distribution of lightning impulse breakdown voltage of oil gap.
  29. The sample breakdown point of a test for moment estimation of population variance
  30. In general, the values of the transformer oil breakdown voltage measured under test conditions at room temperature do not represent their breakdown voltage level at low temperatures.